A: Luxembourg lies on the geographical coordinates of 49° 45' 0" N, 6° 10' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Luxembourg in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 49.75 | 6.1667 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 49° 45' 0" N | 6° 10' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5514688.039608495 Easting:295908.3417640151 Zone:32U |
More detail about Luxembourg
Luxembourg is a Very Stable Country
Luxembourg is a small country in the western central part of Europe. It is a
country that is very stable in its current standing. This comes from more than
just the small size of the country. This also comes from how it has some of the
world?s best economic ties with all sorts of countries around the area.
Luxembourg works with a variety of different trading deals with all sorts of
countries around the area. It trades particularly well with France, Germany and
Belgium. Luxembourg is surrounded by those three countries. The economic deals
that the country has with these individual parties have helped create a strong
link between Luxembourg and other parts of the world. It has also created a
large amount of employment and economic growth to the country.
The financial banking sector of Luxembourg has also growth. Its growth has
helped to more than offset the losses that have been experienced in the steel
industry. Interestingly enough, the rubber industry of the country is still
experiencing some growth with regards to jobs and exports.
The country has been working with the Euro as its official currency for nearly a
decade. This has helped to keep the country on pace with other economies in
Europe with regards to growth and the ability to move ahead in society.
The country also has a very stable military. It is estimated that there are more
than two hundred thousand people in the country who are eligible for military
service. People between 17 and 25 are allowed to voluntarily enter he army.
Those who are under 18 will not be deployed into any peacekeeping or combat
missions. The fact that a person can be a European Union resident who has been
living in Luxembourg for three years makes military service easier for all
people to handle.