A: Liechtenstein lies on the geographical coordinates of 47° 10' 0" N, 9° 32' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Liechtenstein in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 47.1667 | 9.5333 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 47° 10' 0" N | 9° 32' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5223827.091792497 Easting:540418.1195413754 Zone:32T |
More detail about Liechtenstein
How Small is Liechtenstein?
Liechtenstein is famous for being one of the world?s smallest countries. The
country, which is located right in between Switzerland and Austria, is very
small when compared to a number of different other places around the world.
Liechtenstein is a country that is 62 square miles in size. This size is based
out of the land that surrounds the country. This small land base features the
capital of Vaduz and a full border on the western part of the country with the
Rhine. This is used to support full commerce between Liechtenstein and other
parts of the continent that are located around this body of water.
It is true that Liechtenstein is larger than a few other places. These include
such countries as Vatican City, Monaco, Nauru, Macau, Bermuda and San Marino
among others.
A key point about the size of Liechtenstein is that it was formed as a small
state by the Holy Roman Empire. The country did not become an independent nation
until the middle part of the nineteenth century. The small state was used as a
place where troops fighting in the Napoleonic Wars could congregate in while
preparing for missions.
One benefit of the small size of Liechtenstein is that it does not work with too
many expenses. For example, Liechtenstein does not work with all of the costly
transportation expenses that other countries might have to deal with. The
country?s rail system is run by the Austrian Railway System. Meanwhile, much of
the media in the country is operated by Switzerland.
Liechtenstein does not have any military forces either. The country is fully
protected the country?s national police department. However, the country is
interested in serving the public and is a member of the OSCE. This is the
primary organization for safety and national security around Europe.