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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of Lesotho?

A: Lesotho lies on the geographical coordinates of 29° 30' 0" S, 28° 30' 0" E.

Latitude and Longitude of Lesotho in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals -29.5 28.5
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 29° 30' 0" S 28° 30' 0" E
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:6735679.243768543 Easting:645399.866490938 Zone:35J


More detail about Lesotho

Worries About People in Lesotho

Lesotho is an interesting country in that it is landlocked within one country. It is located in the middle of the eastern part of South Africa. This country has become a notable tourist destination especially with the growth of South Africa. However, there are some points about the way how people are treated in Lesotho that are disturbing in some cases.

For starters, Lesotho has been impacted by AIDS more than other countries. It is estimated that about a third of all people who are living in Lesotho have AIDS. It is estimated that a typical person who lives in the country may not live to be at least fifty years old due to the ongoing health concerns with AIDS in mind.

Lesotho is also a country that is very poor. Fortunately, the country has created a large hydroelectric plant that has helped to promote trade with South Africa. This has helped to raise money for Lesotho. This could be a start towards trying to improve the health of people in the country.

There are also concerns about modern day slavery in Lesotho. Lesotho was originally used as a place to find laborers for South Africa during Apartheid. However, the end of Apartheid has helped to allow racial equality to occur around the area. There are still worries about the use of slavery in some poorer parts of Lesotho though.

The last concern about the people of Lesotho involves the way how women are treated. The rights for women in Lesotho are very minimal. For example, a woman who becomes married must be treated as a minor. Also, a woman who divorces cannot get any custody rights whatsoever. Also, women are generally not able to acquire anything or do services in some cases without a man?s permission being used in the case.

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