A: Korea (South) lies on the geographical coordinates of 37° 0' 0" N, 127° 30' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Korea (South) in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 37.0 | 127.5 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 37° 0' 0" N | 127° 30' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:4095923.937169746 Easting:366531.65635478136 Zone:52S |
More detail about Korea (South)
South Korea?s Relationship with Other Countries
The Republic of Korea, or South Korea as it is more commonly called, has better
relationships with other countries than that of what can be found in its
northern counterpart. South Korea had been supported by troops from the United
States and Soviet Union during the Korean War. This has helped to get the
country to have a more positive outlook on how operations around the country are
Also, South Korea has been open to other countries unlike North Korea. South
Korea has become a major hub for electronics, oil and steel products. The
country exports billions of dollars in products to countries around Asia,
Oceania and other parts of the world. In fact, it is estimated that the average
income among people in South Korea is nearly twenty times greater than what
people in North Korea earn.
However, South Korea is still suffering from hostilities with its northern
neighbor. North Korea has been operating with harsh feelings towards South Korea
since the end of the Korean War. People who cross the demilitarized border that
divides the two countries can be subjected to imprisonment.
Also, North Korea has gone as far as to test some of its military items on some
smaller ships and islands in South Korea. The most recent attack occurred in the
late part of 2010. Many over incidents have occurred around the Yellow Sea.
There is also a dispute between South Korea and Japan with regards to the
Liancourt Rocks. South Korea has occupied these islands in the Sea of Japan
between South Korea and Japan?s Oki Islands. However, Japan has also claimed
these islands and is in a dispute with South Korea over who should be using
these islands. This dispute has been ongoing since 1954 when South Korea first
took over the islands and began using them.