A: Kenya lies on the geographical coordinates of 1° 0' 0" N, 38° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Kenya in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 1.0 | 38.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 1° 0' 0" N | 38° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:110547.1056954009 Easting:388736.1877211844 Zone:37N |
More detail about Kenya
Kenya?s Rising Tourism at A Glance!
Acclaimed to be one of the world?s most visited tourist destinations, Kenya definitely stand tall and proud with its incredible wildlife sanctuaries and landscapes. Travellers most certainly are delighted with all the tropical resorts and beaches, coral reefs, and savannahs found in the suburbs of Kenya. Truly, Kenya is somewhat a whole new world.
The most valuable and largest earner in Kenya?s economy is its tourism; providing the country a stable foundation. The tourism industry highlights both the beaches and wildlife as its strong attraction to catapult tourists and keep them coming back. Inevitably, they made a good move in conserving their wildlife and made use of its potentials to the fullest. The administration had put the line on maintaining a good economic and tourism programme in order to maximize the resources the country has. With this, they have undoubtedly surpassed their neighbours in the East of Africa.
Originally, Kenya was Africa?s destination when it comes to safaris, adventures, attraction for explorers and travellers for over a couple of decades. Whether it?s for pleasure or a business trip Kenya will give you the best it could offer because it is a trip of the new generation.
Currently, Kenya?s Tourism Ministry advocates and supports in sustaining the tourism to benefit not only the visitors but also the natives and locales as well. Domestic tourism is highly encouraged so that all the local Kenyans will not only have a deep understanding of the cultural wealth of their motherland but also to experience first-hand the natural wonders of their sanctuaries and wildlife. More so, the movement aims to aggressively pursue their Eco and Community Tourism so they could further protect the tourist spots in the future.
Kenya certainly has been taking good and useful steps to even boost its tourism economy. All these couples with the Kenyan?s hospitality, this is one heck of a destination, you wouldn?t want to miss.