A: Jordan lies on the geographical coordinates of 31° 0' 0" N, 36° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Jordan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 31.0 | 36.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 31° 0' 0" N | 36° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:3433466.6687207907 Easting:213539.91910152772 Zone:37R |
More detail about Jordan
Jordan and Its Economic Efforts
It is reluctant to know that Jordan, through the years, is still trying to advance its economy forward. Despite being the small country that it is, Jordan has very minimal natural resources. It is labelled as one the world?s countries that have the poorest source of water. At present, Jordan is constantly innovating ways to further broaden their options in effectively conserving their water wherewithal, this includes centralising their cooperation. Also, the country greatly relies on sources from the outside or nearby countries for their energy needs. In the 1990s, crude petroleum had been obtained through importing at a concessionaire?s rate. And from 2003 onwards, they import their oils primarily from Saudi Arabia, still at a concessionary rate. Furthermore, an access to the natural gas pipeline is directed from Egypt down to Jordan; where it stretches to the boundaries of Syria.
In 2007, Jordan even raised the bar to looking for ways on how to cope up with their energy requirements by just utilizing the resources they have. Currently, they have various aboriginal or recyclable energy resources such the nuclear energy, oil shale, solar power, and the wind.
Sometime on King Abdullah?s reign, the country has undergone a massive economic reform. Subsidies for most agricultural and fuel have been removed, legislation were made against illegal corruption, and tax reform were started. It seemed that these first steps paid off as other countries were later beginning to make allies with Jordan. Take for example United States of America?s free trade agreement with Jordan where an equal and open communication should be maintained at all times. Environmental and labor provisions are also included in the FTA propelling their economy to grow within just 10 months. This growth continued to sprout slowly, but by the time the market hit a global financial crisis their expected return of revenues were badly hurt.
Classified as a lower middle income country, Jordan is still continuing to rise above all adversities. However, it?s going to be a tough path to take as their economy is vulnerable and sensitive to the external crisis.