A: Guatemala lies on the geographical coordinates of 15° 30' 0" N, 90° 15' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Guatemala in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 15.5 | -90.25 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 15° 30' 0" N | 90° 15' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1715522.690878944 Easting:795045.125304469 Zone:15P |
More detail about Guatemala
Guatemala Making Up for Collapse of Coffee Prices
Things were looking positive for Guatemala after the peace accord was signed in
1996. The locals were looking forward to growth in the economy and there was
growth for two years. Unfortunately all of that was disturbed by the 1998
financial crisis. All of the hopes for a great financial future seemed to
disappear as their primary export, coffee, dropped in price dramatically. They
were left to pick up the pieces.
In the more recent years, other sections of the economy are doing well. There
has been limited space left on the budget because of low tax collection but the
foreign debt levels are relatively low. Despite the current slow economic
growth, there are some signs that things will be picking up.
There are various programs in place that promote foreign investment as well as
to enhance competitiveness in different markets. There are also initiatives to
expand the outlook on the tourism and export sectors. There has been a boom in
these two industries.
The exports involved in the boom of trade include textiles, apparel, winter
vegetables, fruit, and pre-cut flowers. The traditional exports that already
have a long history with this area such as bananas and coffee are still high on
the market for exports.
To recover some revenue, taxes being collected are being increased to a certain
extent but new rules on spending are also being introduced. This should be good
news if the rules are logical and are beneficial to everyone. There will be
increased accountability for those who are spending the money as well as added
responsibility for those collecting it.
This may be a long journey for Guatemala but things seem rather positive. They
have already begun the changes on a good note and with effort being put in by
the government as well as the locals to spur this change, it may happen faster
than forecasted.