A: Guam lies on the geographical coordinates of 13° 28' 0" N, 144° 47' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Guam in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 13.4667 | 144.7833 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 13° 28' 0" N | 144° 47' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1489828.7329987888 Easting:260021.39159952704 Zone:55P |
More detail about Guam
Guam Trying to Find Way in Other Industries
There are four main things that the Guam economy relies on for its revenue. They
consist of the export of fish and handicrafts, but even more so on military
spending from the United States and from tourism.
The tourism industry has been good for Guam in a number of different ways. When
tourists come they spend money on souvenirs but also on hotels, restaurants and
other parts of their holidays. This has meant the opening of new hotels, motels,
resorts, restaurants, and the renovation of older ones.
Although the tourism industry has suffered a setback due to the decline of
Japanese individuals spending their holidays in the region, there is estimated
that about a million tourists visit there each year. The Japanese make up almost
90% of this number.
Much of the good and industrial goods are imported to Guam. This has created a
problem for locals because of the price of imports. At the moment the country is
attempting to build up the civilian sector because of the possible downsizing of
the military. There are many obstacles to overcome that need to be considered.
The unemployment rate is one of these as it is relatively high.
The types of agricultural products that are available in Guam are copra as well
as some fruits and vegetables. They also produce beef, poultry, eggs, and pork.
Aside from the military, construction and tourism sectors, there are several
other industries that contribute to the economy. These include printing and
publishing, food processing, textiles, concrete products and transshipment
services. There doesn?t seem to be a large growth rate in industrial production
at the moment.
Although there are limited industries that the locals are involved with, they
can still build on what they have. They are looking for more ways to utilize
their current industries and to create more. Tourism will still be a large
contributor to the economy as it has in the past and they hope to expand on it.