A: Guadeloupe lies on the geographical coordinates of 16° 15' 0" N, 61° 35' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Guadeloupe in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 16.25 | -61.5833 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 16° 15' 0" N | 61° 35' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1797113.1493752603 Easting:651398.1523564283 Zone:20Q |
More detail about Guadeloupe
Guadeloupe Relying on Tourism and Subsidies
Guadeloupe has a lot to offer in terms of cultural aspects for the visitor and
the economy is reliant upon this opinion to continue. There are several sectors
that this country is involved with including the agricultural, tourism,
services, light, and trade. Aside from these, French subsidies make up a lot of
the revenue brought in to the region.
Tourism is a huge part of life for Guadeloupe. It has a lot to offer with their
variety of music, some being very local with French and English tastes. There
are also other fields in the arts including painting and tapestry that is
worthwhile to see. There are churches adorned with these artworks and various
pieces of works of gold added to the mix.
Many cruise ships have this island on their map as a port. The areas located
around the ports benefit greatly from individuals coming off for the reprieve of
the ship to spend money on the souvenirs.
The main crops that are grown in this country are eggplant, sugarcane and
flowers. Bananas are also popular and in fact make up half of the exports from
the island. Added to this list of exports is rum, which has a good reputation
for its taste and quality.
While there are some major exports originating from this area, the locals are
highly dependent on various imports. These imports include such items as foods,
fuels, clothing, consumer goods, construction materials and vehicles. Although
many of their construction materials are imported, the construction industry
remains quite important to this republic.
There is a lack of variety in terms of the industries that Guadeloupe is
involved with and perhaps the same can be said for their natural resources. They
do have a lot of activities and experiences to offer the tourists and this is
expected to continue to be one of the main sectors that they utilize.