A: Grenada lies on the geographical coordinates of 12° 7' 0" N, 61° 40' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Grenada in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 12.1167 | -61.6667 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 12° 7' 0" N | 61° 40' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1339812.5470525445 Easting:645091.1129421205 Zone:20P |
More detail about Grenada
Grenada Recovering from Hurricanes
Hurricanes are devastating in nature and for Grenada, much of the livelihoods of
the natives were destroyed. The economy was and is based heavily on tourism and
education as well as the production of nutmeg and cocoa. When Hurricane Ivan
struck in September of 2004, not only were thousands of people left homeless,
but the crops were destroyed. The tourism facilities were ruined and most of the
buildings on the island were knocked flat.
The natives along with some volunteer assistants joined to help with the
rebuilding process but less than a year later Hurricane Emily arrived and
damaged even more of the land. They started the recovery process very quickly
with the help of the United States as its main donor.
There were millions of dollars placed into building schools, medical clinics and
homes. The locals of Grenada were trained in the art of construction, allowing
them to rebuild their homes and even to gain employment from it later on.
Most of the jobs available in Grenada after the hurricanes were involved in
construction due to the situation. The employment is other sectors dwindled
especially since the crops were not fairing so well. Many people left the farms
to live in the cities therefore expanding the service industries and other
sectors in those locations. Hotels and restaurants reopened and various other
businesses opened their doors once again. The year 2007 saw a lot of recovery in
this area but there is still much more to come.
In 2008, there were large increases in the costs of different basic good items.
In response to these price changes, the government removed extra fees charged on
the necessities of life such as yeast and baby formula.
A large American medical school and veterinarian school has been opened. There
are currently over 3,500 students that attend at this fully-operational school.
Grenada may have been through a lot but they are taking the steps to recovery
that are needed and will see the benefits in the coming months and years.