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Q: What is Latitude and Longitude of French Polynesia?

A: French Polynesia lies on the geographical coordinates of 15° 0' 0" S, 140° 0' 0" W.

Latitude and Longitude of French Polynesia in other units:

Unit Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude to decimals -15.0 -140.0
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds 15° 0' 0" S 140° 0' 0" W
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference
UTM Northing:8341431.159075819 Easting:607512.2276764361 Zone:7L


More detail about French Polynesia

French Polynesia Focusing on Job Creation

French Polynesia has intrinsic links to France, especially since there are French military personnel stationed there. Prior to this, French Polynesia was a subsistence economy but now is one that has much of the work force based on various military positions or those related to the tourism industry. The tourism sector makes up one fifth of the economic earnings. It is the main source of earnings consisting of hard currency.

Other than the military and the tourism industries, there is a small portion of the economy based on agriculture. There are some factories that work with the primary processing elements of various products.

At the moment, this country has a five year contract with France pertaining to creating new jobs. At the moment, services take up over three quarters of the jobs but whether or not this will change is yet to be seen. Many of the jobs that do exist are based on such industries as tourism, pearl discovery, agriculture, processing, and the creation of handicrafts.

French Polynesia has some well-known crops that they grow. These include such things as coconuts, various fruits and vegetables, as well as vanilla. They also raise livestock such as poultry and beef. Alongside the beef, they produce a number of different dairy products.

They are exporting partners with both United States and France, the latter having the larger portion. They import a bulk of their products from France. These imports are mostly made up of foods and fuels.

While French Polynesia might not be looking too economically sound, they are making progress with certain aspects including the agreement with France to create more jobs. This is crucial to the well-being of the French Polynesian people who work hard to make the income that they need. At the moment, time will be the main factor in finding out whether these efforts will work.

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