A: France lies on the geographical coordinates of 46° 0' 0" N, 2° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of France in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 46.0 | 2.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 46° 0' 0" N | 2° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5094533.591219778 Easting:422567.8174300468 Zone:31T |
More detail about France
The Growth of France Recognized
France has the fifth largest economy in the world right now with high levels of
agricultural resources, a great industrial base and a work force that is highly
skilled. The growth of the dynamic services in this country has created an even
larger share of economic activity and the bulk of jobs created in the country
are due to this growth.
Creating more jobs has been a top priority of France but so has promoting longer
work weeks. In 2007, the President decided that any work hours after already
spending 35 hours on the job are exempted from being taxed. This not only
changed how people work but it also changed the hours that stores are open. They
started opening on Sundays and taking advantage of the new work incentives.
France is involved in a number of different trades. They are largely vocal in
the dynamic telecommunications industry as well as fields related to aerospace,
and weapons. The country relies on the development and production of nuclear
power because there is relatively no domestic oil being produced. France at the
moment takes care of 80% of its electrical power with nuclear energy.
The country concentrates on various types of exports and is the eighth largest
trading partner involved with the United States. The French export such things
as engines, aircraft, electrical equipment, luxury products, cosmetics,
chemicals and beverages. Other exports include automobile equipment, iron and
steel products, wine, champagne, computer products and refined petroleum
The main agricultural products produced in France include grains such as barley,
corn and wheat; spirits and wine; various dairy products; fruits and vegetables;
sugar beets; meat and poultry, and oilseeds.
As the demand for these goods from France rise, there is no indication that the
strength of the company in economic terms will be decreasing. It is going well
and as long as they continue to utilize the industries to the best of their
capabilities, their future seems bright.