A: Finland lies on the geographical coordinates of 64° 0' 0" N, 26° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Finland in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 64.0 | 26.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 64° 0' 0" N | 26° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:7097397.805334419 Easting:451089.35917136096 Zone:35W |
More detail about Finland
Finland - Why Go If You Aren?t In For A Tropical Holiday?
Warm sandy beaches, glistening blue beaches and cocktail sunsets. This sounds
like the perfect getaway. If you are thinking about going on a warm tropical
holiday, Finland is the last place that comes to mind. So why would anyone in
their right mind choose to go there?
Seriously, there is more to life than tanning and sipping mai tais. Finland is a
prime example of a country that has unique vacation opportunities and an
inviting culture. The sauna must be mentioned first and foremost. It is one of
the country?s prized inventions, which is something residents are very proud of.
They are so into the pastime, in fact, that almost two thirds of all households
are fitted with their own sauna. The days and nights have always been a mystery
to foreigners. Sometimes it can be dark for nearly the entire day and night, and
other times there can be only one or two hours of darkness. If you don?t worship
the sun this could be a very cool experience.
Still, there is more to Finland than its weird and wonderful geography. They are
one of the most forward thinking countries in the world, and this is reflected
in their dynamic rules and regulations. For example, it was the first nation on
the planet to allow all women the opportunity to vote. As a whole the population
is very friendly and welcoming of people from all cultures, races and religions.
The locals themselves speak mainly Finnish, and their drink of choice, not
surprisingly, is vodka. You will find any Fin skating along ice lakes, admiring
art in one of the museums, or bargaining up a storm at the marketplace.
If you are looking for a relatively simple life with friendly neighbors, snow
and interesting days and nights then Finland is definitely worth a shot.