A: Falkland Islands lies on the geographical coordinates of 51° 45' 0" S, 59° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Falkland Islands in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -51.75 | -59.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 51° 45' 0" S | 59° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:4264874.28923312 Easting:361941.9104787756 Zone:21F |
More detail about Falkland Islands
Falkland Islands - Taking Tourism To New Heights
The Falkland Islands have not been a very popular destination, since it has long
been the site of war, political disarray and underdevelopment. The good news is
that since the end of the war things have started to change and there is much
more than just a glimmer of hope. After many years of investment to ensure that
the tourism industry develops adequately, the Falkland Islands are finally
enjoying the rewards.
The Falkland Islands have much to offer in the way of adventure no matter what
your taste. It offers breathtaking landscapes, perfect for walking, hiking,
boating and diving. Golf also seems to be one of the favorite past times.
However, the Falkland Islands differ as far as tourism goes, in that it is not
just a run of the mill paradise destination that attracts people for summer
holidays. In fact, much of what the nation has to offer stems directly from the
blood, sweat and tears of the population.
The country?s struggles are reflected in the culture, music, and folklore. For
this reason, at least, it is worth visiting the museums where the tales of the
country are illustrated through ruins, literature and various other media.
Essentially, what most visitors gain from this experience is a better
understanding of what it is to truly break free from a previously constricted
society. Speaking to the locals will reveals great tales of how life came to be
as it is today. Despite the very real ethos and rich history, you must consider
the beautiful places in their entirety.
Tourism isn?t the only thing the country has done right. When looking at other
major aspects, education, healthcare and other forms of economic development
afford a great deal of investment from the government. This is truly a nation
with a bright future ahead.