A: Croatia (Hrvatska) lies on the geographical coordinates of 45° 10' 0" N, 15° 30' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Croatia (Hrvatska) in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 45.1667 | 15.5 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 45° 10' 0" N | 15° 30' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5001590.515251965 Easting:539293.2082871158 Zone:33T |
More detail about Croatia (Hrvatska)
The Long History of Croatia (Hrvatska)
Croatia, a country that is also known as Hrvatska in its local form, is one of
the world?s oldest countries. It was first settled in the seventh century. The
Croats settled in the area and formed a kingdom in the area. This kingdom was
especially notable in that it was able to resist a series of invasions during he
late part of the first common millennium.
The country was then in the middle of a civil war. This occurred in the eleventh
century. The Hungarians would end up occupying the country after the war ended.
An interesting point about the history of Croatia involves how the country was
operated by the Hungarians and Austrians for centuries. It was controlled from
the sixteenth century until the end of World War I when the kingdom by the two
parties was dissolved.
This allowed Croatia to become an independent country again. It even joined a
union with other countries in the southern Europe area. These included the
countries of Serbia and Slovenia. This union was handled to ensure that the
country will have plenty of support with a variety of different needs. This was
created as a means of supporting the growth of Croatia and other countries in
the surrounding area.
Croatia was controlled by Nazi forces during World War II. Croatia would
eventually become a communist country known as Yugoslavia after the war ended
and German forces were expelled from the country.
The country went back to its original Croatia name in 1991. This was through a
declaration of independence from Yugoslavia. This is a critical point that has
helped to allow free elections to take place in the country. Thanks to this,
Croatia is now a democratic republic. This is a very long way from the past that
Croatia has had to deal with.