A: Cook Islands lies on the geographical coordinates of 21° 14' 0" S, 159° 46' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Cook Islands in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -21.2333 | -159.7667 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 21° 14' 0" S | 159° 46' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:7651839.2638854105 Easting:420440.4925604505 Zone:4K |
More detail about Cook Islands
The Beauties of the Cook Islands
The Cook Islands are a series of islands located in the southern part of the
Pacific Ocean. These islands are controlled by New Zealand and are located in
the midway point between Papua New Guinea and Hawaii. They are also located near
the eastern coast of American Samoa.
The islands are home to some of the world?s most beautiful areas. These can be
found around many of the different islands around the land.
Rarotonga is the first of the islands to visit. Rarotonga is a southern island
that is noted for more than just its white beaches and rainforest. It is also
known for a variety of beautiful settlements. These include the city of Avarua
among many others.
Aitutaki is a southern island that is north of Rarotonga. This island is home to
a series of different lagoons with plenty of fauna in the area. One of the best
points about this beautiful area is that it is home to all sorts of different
small islets. These are referred to as motu.
Mangaia is the southernmost island in the Cook Islands. This is popular because
it is home to a number of natural villages that are still inhabited by a number
of natives to the area. This area is popular because it is small and remote,
thus making it a place that has not been influenced by many outside factors.
The northern islands are not visited as often as the southern islands. However,
they are all very beautiful places for people to visit. These are pure islands
that are small and mostly uninhabited. These islands are brilliant places that
feature very few areas that have been inhabited by people, thus making them pure
areas that are especially popular among those who want to visit more isolated
places around the world.