A: Chile lies on the geographical coordinates of 30° 0' 0" S, 71° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Chile in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -30.0 | -71.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 30° 0' 0" S | 71° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:6679530.713606935 Easting:307084.89481763996 Zone:19J |
More detail about Chile
Chile is a Very Stable Country
Chile has become one of the most viable countries in South America. Chile is
noted for its strong support with exports and a very stable government.
Chile is a country that is devoted to exports. The country exports a variety of
materials to all sorts of countries. These include such critical materials as
The country has trade relationships and agreements with many other countries. A
critical point of this comes from the country?s direct link to the Pacific
Ocean. Chile has one of the world?s longest coastlines, thus giving the country
many places for it to export goods from and to take goods in from.
The long coastline has also made Chile a popular spot for tourists. This is
especially the case for coastal cities like Concepcion and La Serena.
The Chilean government has become very stable over the years. It is very similar
to what is used in the United States. It uses the same legislative branch system
of representatives and the same civil court system that the United States uses.
This has helped Chile to be a democratic nation.
This is a very substantial change from what was experienced decades ago. A
Marxist government was used in the 1970s while Augusto Pinochet ruled the
country until 1990 when a fully democratic election was enabled, thus giving the
people of Chile control over who could be elected again. This democratic process
is still being used in Chile to this day.
The country also has a military system that is similar to what the United States
uses. This system involves a full army and navy. The country will allow people
to voluntarily sign up for service. The country does have the right to make
service compulsory for certain individuals. Also, there are service requirements
for those who join the army or navy.