A: Cape Verde lies on the geographical coordinates of 16° 0' 0" N, 24° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Cape Verde in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 16.0 | -24.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 16° 0' 0" N | 24° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1771254.0182012098 Easting:178900.00323399133 Zone:27Q |
More detail about Cape Verde
Cape Verde is Growing But Still Needs Help
Cape Verde is a relatively young country. It became an independent country less
than forty years ago and has had its constitution in place for less than twenty
years. The country has been rising in recent years. This is in spite of a few
difficult concerns around the country.
Cape Verde, which is located on the northwestern coast of Africa, has
experienced some substantial increases in the ways how its natural resources
have been used. This includes a substantial emphasis on the fishing industry
around the Atlantic Ocean. The prospect for lobster and other types of fish
around Cape Verde has been well promoted.
There are some concerns about the ways how fishing is being promoted. There have
been efforts around Cape Verde to encourage an increase in the development of
the fishing industry around the country.
Cape Verde uses exports more than imports. This is due to the remote nature of
the country. Ironically enough, many of the exports come from Portugal. This is
the country that Cape Verde declared its independence from in the 1970s.
Cape Verde has experienced some growth in its support for exports. A critical
part of this growth came through the creation of the Praia airport in 2005. This
has allowed the export of new items from Spain and other parts around Europe.
There have been a few difficult concerns about Cape Verde in recent times. Cape
Verde has been subjected to droughts in the past. This has influenced the crops
that are found around the country.
Also, there have been some concerns surrounding Cape Verde being a transfer hub
for shipments of cocaine from Central America to Europe. Fortunately, the
country has established several laws that way towards stopping the shipment of
cocaine and other drugs to the country. This includes the country?s Financial
Intelligence Unit.