A: Bolivia lies on the geographical coordinates of 17° 0' 0" S, 65° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Bolivia in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -17.0 | -65.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 17° 0' 0" S | 65° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:8119358.136136195 Easting:287077.4345501558 Zone:20K |
More detail about Bolivia
Bolivia - the struggle of a landlocked country
The Incas were defeated by the Spanish in the 16th century before which the
modern Bolivia as we see it today used to be a part of the ancient empire of
Inca. The harsh topography and the political flux of the Bolivian state, has
only let it enjoy occasional economic diversification. The Bolivian economy has
interestingly followed a single commodity focus pattern at a time - silver, tin
to coca.
There has not been much of industrialization in Bolivia for the low life
expectancy and high incidence of disease results in instability in labor supply.
The influence of black market and inadequate credit options, and corruption that
are there in Bolivia is also responsible for the cause. At present the Bolivian
economy is being dominated by the mining industries. Bolivia has a natural
resource of natural gas and zinc.
Another important thing that the state of Bolivia has is lithium, which has been
estimated by the United States of Geological Survey as 5.4 million tons. This is
supposed to be the highest lithium concentration in any country. Lithium is
important for making batteries. Among the few goods that are manufactured in
Bolivia are - processed soya, refined petroleum, refined minerals, textiles,
clothing and non-durable consumers? goods.
The spectacular spots of Bolivia were incapable of attracting tourists even a
few decades ago, but the state has put in a good effort since the last 15 years,
and has pulled up its tourism sector. In the year of 1999, the Bolivian state
had earned a high revenue of $179 million. In spite of being a poor country,
Bolivia boasts of its cultural wealth and heritage, and one would be enchanted
by the different and colorful Bolivian festivals. In 2000, an ancient temple was
discovered to be submerged in Lake Titicaca, which is believed to be about 1500
years old and belong to the times even before the Incas.