A: Bermuda lies on the geographical coordinates of 32° 20' 0" N, 64° 45' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Bermuda in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 32.3333 | -64.75 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 32° 20' 0" N | 64° 45' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:3578726.030259341 Easting:335292.85147922393 Zone:20S |
More detail about Bermuda
Bermuda - Not the triangle
Bermuda is a beautiful island nation attracting millions of tourists every year.
A colony of the Brits, their major revenue comes from international business and
tourism. There is nothing internally available much to sustain upon as every
commodity has to be imported from different parts of the world.
The government of Bermuda does not entertain backpackers and is very straight
forward to say that they only invite tourists who earn a minimum of $75,000 per
This clearly sees tourists coming to this country are mostly above the age of
thirty-five and are also college graduates.
Bermuda is a destination for the rich which is why many hotels were forced shut
down. The tourism industry in Bermuda has been taken over by international
business and this has boosted the revenue for the country.
The employees usually move around in their Bermuda shorts. The place is way too
cool and unconventional that even if you are on a business trip and are there to
attend a meeting, you could do so in the casual Bermuda shorts.
People generally bring casual outfits, swimsuits, cocktail dresses for women and
full jackets when they spend quality time on this island. You just don?t have to
be too formal over here in your dressing sense but bare feet and hair curlers
are certainly not a scene to be found or even not acceptable in public.
There are as many 15,300 international companies in Bermuda. This explains the
high amount of revenue it rakes from international business. The tourism sector
is so well-organized and structured - this has been the main success behind
Bermuda?s economic success.
The unemployment rate is extremely low in Bermuda. The population is a mix of
white and black races. The poverty line does exist in Bermuda and is
comparatively high in contrast to the population.