A: Belize lies on the geographical coordinates of 17° 15' 0" N, 88° 45' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Belize in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 17.25 | -88.75 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 17° 15' 0" N | 88° 45' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1908054.3748926248 Easting:313949.0680194511 Zone:16Q |
More detail about Belize
Belize - Pleasant Life
Belize was once under the English rule. Belize was also known as British
Honduras and attracts many tourists from different parts of the world. Belize is
neighbors to Guatemala and Mexico. This is known to be the original place of the
ancient Mayans.
Belize has amazing attractions of nature with dense rainforests with numerous
species of plants wildlife. This is the place to explore for many as one finds
the ancient pyramids of the Mayans and lost cities. There are many caves for
adventure and amazing offshore islands to discover.
The education system in Belize is very systemic. There are three levels of
education. They are primary, secondary and tertiary. Apart from these, there are
also universities offering quality technical and arts education.
Not much comes from the local workforce for the economic progress of the nation.
Much of the revenue is dependent on tourism. The exports are very low and there
are some oil reserves to depend upon.
The three main sectors offering employment to the people of Belize are
agriculture, industry and services. The Belize government has been running a
loss in the past years as expenditures always surmount revenue.
The unemployment rate is too high and so is the poverty line. There is a dearth
for skilled labors and workforce in the country. This has been the major factor
stalling the economic progress of the nation. The people are mainly dependent on
agriculture and they cultivate sugarcane, citrus, banana and aqua-culture.
Apart from the underdeveloped conditions of Belize, the nation has beautiful
savannah and sandy beaches, mangrove forests and river streams and lagoons which
are captivating to the eyes.
The amazing fact about the locales is they speak in more than five different
languages which are English, Maya, German, Spanish, Creole, Garifuna etc. Belize
has opened up to foreign investors and realtors to purchase property.