A: Belgium lies on the geographical coordinates of 50° 50' 0" N, 4° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Belgium in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 50.8333 | 4.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 50° 50' 0" N | 4° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5631763.959441194 Easting:570420.019555577 Zone:31U |
More detail about Belgium
Belgium - Core part of Europe
Belgium is considered to be the central core of the European Union. Belgium is
also the founding member of the Union. Belgium by far beats many other countries
of the world in terms of systematic education system, industrial technology and
economic structure. The whole economic structure is well-integrated with rest of
Europe and this has made Belgium a major global partner in increasing trade
relations and also recruiting efficient workforce from other nations.
Belgium has a very high employment rate but during the years or recession the
growth rate stooped negative. Until two years back, unemployment had become a
little bit of worry but didn?t affect the society much. The only worrying factor
for the government is aging population and rise of costs. They are now working
stringent measures to curb factors which may further affect the economy.
Education is mandatory in primary school and also the government funds certain
community schools. There are also subsidized schools run by provinces and
municipalities. There are many other free schools which are run by communities
affiliated to the church.
The students can pursue higher education in medicine or engineering sciences or
even different streams of arts by appearing for entrance exams. Students can
even apply for financial aid to study in colleges in case they are not able to
afford their higher education.
Coming back to science and technological growth in Belgium, there are enough
industries to offer employment to the local population. Belgium faces inadequacy
for raw materials which forces the nation to import the necessary resources.
Regardless of the best infrastructure available for socio-economic reforms, and
industrial growth, Belgium faces the threat of increasing unemployment in the
future. Belgium has been making great progress in the software sector also.
They've have tie-ups with many Asian companies and have been recruiting
workforce from these countries on contractual basis.