A: Belarus lies on the geographical coordinates of 53° 0' 0" N, 28° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Belarus in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 53.0 | 28.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 53° 0' 0" N | 28° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5872738.261693503 Easting:567109.4353589593 Zone:35U |
More detail about Belarus
Belarus - Beautiful Architecture
Once, a part of the USSR - Belarus is now a separate nation. Many citizens of
Belarus were separated from the relatives in Lithuania. Belarus is a nation with
beautiful people and also enriching countryside. There are enough natural
resources for the country to depend upon.
Most of the employment and workforce in this nation comes from industries. All
of them are administered by the state. The state economy is not great as it
falls under the lower middle income category. A lot of the private companies
have been taken over by the government in order to boost the economic growth.
Belarus also faced a lot of issues during the years of recession and was badly
hit due to devaluation of the currency.
The employment rate is very high but inflation has been a constant issue.
Education in Belarus begins at the age of 6. Once they finish the common
curriculum of education by the age of 18 they become eligible to pursue other
systems of university education.
The universities of Belarus invite many international students for enrolment.
They have huge numbers of international students pursuing different careers like
technical education, medicine etc.
Belarus boasts of ancient architecture which has signs of invasions from the
west and east. One can see Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque, Classicism, Modernism
and Eclecticism in the different monuments across the country.
Belarus in general is a cold country and temperatures are not very high in the
summer compared with the tropical countries. The country is filled with natural
vegetation and the forest reserves are vast and well-protected. The wildlife is
also very precious with Deer, wolves, beavers and other types of vertebrates
found here.
There are different species of mammals, birds, insects and fish found here.
There are also a few reptile species found as part of the food chain for