A: Barbados lies on the geographical coordinates of 13° 10' 0" N, 59° 32' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Barbados in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 13.1667 | -59.5333 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 13° 10' 0" N | 59° 32' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:1456954.0832236947 Easting:225389.26808815356 Zone:21P |
More detail about Barbados
Barbados - Productive & Hospitable
Barbados is a great place for tourists and as a nation economy has been doing
really well. Barbados ranks high as one of the freest economies of the world.
Even the conditions on this Caribbean island favor foreign investments to boost
revenue. There are lesser restrictions when it comes to trade and commerce in
Barbados. This has also allowed corruption levels to remain relatively low.
Business has been really successful as this town is a place for foreign
entrepreneurs to establish their ventures. The business dealings and
transactions have always remained transparent.
There is a fast track court which provides instant results for all kinds of
business misunderstandings and litigations.
Education is well-provided for all the children of Barbados. The government pays
for the education of children in primary, secondary and tertiary schools.
Literacy rate is also one of the highest in the world. Children start studying
at the age of four and further continue on with children becoming eligible to
study the equivalent of O-level education.
There are many private secondary schools in Barbados. The education system in
Barbados is one of the most well-organized system and also well-knit. There are
also universities spread over the West Indies which provide high quality
Apart from this, unemployment has been constantly reducing and is expected to
reduce faster once foreign investments increase. The free economy of Barbados is
predicted to yield greater profits for the country in the future.
This country is also a great place for attracting tourists from all over the
world. There are great fun activities and also Barbados has great seashore.
The people of Barbados are extremely warm and very friendly. The communal
harmony which is witnessed over here is a rarity to be found and people from
different ethnic and religious traditions come together in celebration.