A: Bahamas lies on the geographical coordinates of 24° 15' 0" N, 76° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Bahamas in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 24.25 | -76.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 24° 15' 0" N | 76° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:2682269.3517473666 Easting:398482.9386666263 Zone:18R |
More detail about Bahamas
Bahamas - Well-structured & Progressive
Bahamas is one of the most beautiful places to be. The country is not only
beautiful from the scenic point, but also the people are great and hospitable.
The saying goes, "There is no need to lock your door". This is how safe one
feels on this island nation. You will be greeted by almost every person who
passes by.
Such is the trend here, that the locals make you feel a part of their family.
The warmth and love shared by the people here is something not to be seen in a
busy city back home.
Bahamas is a part of the Great Exuma Islands. There is hardly any traffic,
pollution or any other kind of crime on the Bahamas.
Bahamas is an amazing tourist destination where you can have amazing fun. There
are great amount of activities to participate in and many different adventures
to try. The most famous is the local beer which you must not miss and it is
called kalik.
The conch meat is also very famous here and when it is fresh and uncooked, they
say it is very delicious. You can enjoy many other activities like kayaking,
sailing, fishing, snorkeling, tennis and playing cricket. If you don?t know to
play cricket, just watch the locals play this game.
Education for the locals in Bahamas is very good and the literacy rate is very
high too. The standards of education are very high and all the islands around
the Bahamas have sufficient schools to ensure every child gets a chance to
Even though the unemployment rate is high, maximum revenue comes from tourism
and foreign investment. They have enough revenue coming in from exports of fish,
salts and fruits and vegetables.
Maximum jobs available here are in the tourism industry. The agriculture labor
force is weak.