A: Austria lies on the geographical coordinates of 47° 20' 0" N, 13° 20' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Austria in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 47.3333 | 13.3333 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 47° 20' 0" N | 13° 20' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:5243550.494069113 Easting:374079.72964378935 Zone:33T |
More detail about Austria
Austria - Spectrum of culture
Austria is a beautiful country touching the Alps which was taken over by Germany
during World War II. There is a great tradition for cultural arts here and
creative expression was a part of every household in this part of Europe.
Business and trade, foreign investment, science and technology, education and
research have all found equal importance in this small and graceful nation.
The natural resources are many which make Austria one of the richest nations of
the world and her economy has been soaring high. The agricultural sector is
well-developed. Even though the country was faced with recession, the people
gained their confidence back in quick time and business is back to normal.
The government has taken constructive steps in reducing unemployment and the
rate is very low. Most people of Austria find suitable jobs to support their
daily living.
Theatre arts, painting, sculpting and other art forms find a lot of importance
in this nation. Artists from Austria perform all over the world. This beautiful
mountainous country has much to offer to the creative mind making lucid strokes
on the canvas.
Infrastructure for education is top-notch and Austria has a very high literacy
rate and also one of the best universities offering quality education. The
government also supports scientific and industrial research.
The capital Vienna houses one of the best libraries and each one of them are
huge providing ample resources for educational and research purposes.
Austrians speak German due to the occupation of the latter. So, whenever you
travel in this country you will have to be perfect in speaking German. Austria
is now a part of the European Union and maintains neutrality.
You can easily drive on the Autobahn and enter Switzerland or Germany. You can
even reach Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary through the borders around.