All over the world presently stress constitutes the prime responsible factor for developing numerous health hazards, psychic and behavioral problems and a great array of health care challenges for the practitioners and researchers as well. Though primarily stress used to be considered typically a contributory factor to numerous physical as well as psychic health problems, in the modern age stress is increasingly considered as a derogatory health condition that can fast develop into various chronic and critical diseases and disorders, both on mental or physical level. Stress though is more visible on the psychic plane it can be equally exhausting on mental and physical level.
Stress in clinical understanding is the health condition when we become mentally or physically pressurized or become overloaded either by thought process or by physical exhaustion. In more acute definition in regard to the internal physical reactions stress is the outcome of our body's natural fight or flight reaction in response to any challenging situation. Our body is naturally capable to cope up with such challenging situations by the release of certain hormones, but with incessant or frequent occurrence of such condition the fight or flight response gets weakened and we fall victim to stress.
The treatment of stress is still largely unknown to the curative allopathic medicines and according to vast majority of medical experts and researchers all over the world stress can be best addressed with shifting of lifestyle habits that contribute to the development of stress almost in all cases. An organic lifestyle incorporating natural and traditionally healthy lifestyle habits and following a disciplined course of regularity that is keen on finding the balance between consumption of food, rest, diabolic process and physical as well as mental exercises, is considered as the best possible way to deal with stress.
Information for the Stress prevention and management:
Manage Stress with Yoga | How to cope with depression | 5 ways to Reduce Employee Stress at Work Place | How to Destress Yourself?
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