A: Tajikistan lies on the geographical coordinates of 39° 0' 0" N, 71° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Tajikistan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 39.0 | 71.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 39° 0' 0" N | 71° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:4318679.292206015 Easting:673190.9003193119 Zone:42S |
More detail about Tajikistan
Tajikistan Battling for Stability
After the Soviet Era, Tajikistan has been battling for economic stability. Much of the factors which contributed from this struggle came from the following reasons: incompetent reforms to strengthen economy and the fall down of the economic system of the Soviet Union era caused by the government feud.
Major problems came down Tajikistan much to its dismay. Increasing number of population is not employed. The way of living of the people has relatively gone down drastically affecting poverty level. Tajikistan has also been substantially very dependent on other neighboring countries for supply of several raw materials and these include cotton. Cotton is known to be Tajikistan's most valuable agricultural crop. But this production was only enjoyed by the country, both through local use and as a revenue generating industry, after the Soviet era.
However, Tajikistan's situation hasn't really gone all that bad as it still has tremendous resources that could help towards progress. The national economy of Tajikistan will be slowly restored if they make full use of whatever they have.
Few of the country's water reserves are sufficient enough to provide its agricultural areas with irrigation. In fact, a hefty portion of the country?s water land including the rivers is unused so they could utilize this as a source for hydro electrical powers. The Tajikistanis generate their power thru this.
Tajikistan has mineral reserves as well. It has considerable amount of deposits including iron, gold, mercury, lead, coals, and some tins. Quite frankly, these reserves are very well in demand in the global market and will help Tajikistan grow their revenues.
Despite pervasive apprehension regarding the post-war economy, Tajikistan seems to be on the lookout for more income generating programs and reforms. The unavailability of some major resources keeps the difficulty level relatively high, though.