A: Macau lies on the geographical coordinates of 22° 10' 0" N, 113° 33' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Macau in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 22.1667 | 113.55 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 22° 10' 0" N | 113° 33' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:2453487.3966849106 Easting:762966.9431529555 Zone:49Q |
More detail about Macau
Macau Growing After Recent Downturn
Macau is a place where many Asians go for their holidays. They find plenty of activities plus some time for gentle relaxation. In turn, the country brings in a lot of revenue from these tourists. The main source of revenue from the tourism industry is what the tourists often visit Macau for ? its casinos. Casino gambling is very popular in these areas and equaled to over $20 billion in 2010 alone.
Prior to 2008, the country was doing quite well but the financial crisis in that year took a swipe at their economy. There were restrictions placed on how many visitors from China were permitted which also limited the amount of revenue from these tourists. This was the cause of the first large contraction in the economy since the gambling or gaming sector had been introduced in Macau. In 2010 however, there was another jump in the economy - the revenues from gambling increased by over 50%.
A great part of these revenues are spent on imports. Macau has to rely on the mainland countries like China for the bulk of its food and water as well as sources of energy. They receive raw gods from Hong Kong and the European Union.
In the past, Macau has had more manufacturing operations but in the last few years, the majority of them have been moved to China. These operations were mostly pertaining to textiles and garments. After 2005, the competition from the mainland including China plus the MFA quotas ended which had a negative effect on the market for exports from this country.
To make up for some of this lost revenue, the gaming industry in 2010 was increased as the offerings for corporate travel. Macau is now a spot used for inventive corporate travel for various businesses and investors. It is working well so far for the country because of the activities such as the casinos that are available. There are more funds being allocated to furthering the industry which should see growth in the coming years.