A: Colombia lies on the geographical coordinates of 4° 0' 0" N, 72° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Colombia in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 4.0 | -72.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 4° 0' 0" N | 72° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:442736.2526647346 Easting:166831.06536891614 Zone:19N |
More detail about Colombia
Colombia Exports More Than Coffee
Colombia is noted for being one of the world?s most popular providers of coffee.
The country, which is in the northwestern part of South America, is home to
large coffee plants and farms. These can be found in many areas. However, there
are a number of other types of products that Colombia is known for.
Colombia is popular for its oil production. In fact, billions of dollars are
being invested in Colombia for its oil reserves. These include billions that are
being offered by the United States.
Agriculture is also a critical point in the country. Colombia exports many
different types of crops. These include bananas, tobacco and corn. Cocoa beans
have become especially popular.
Another of the exports from Colombia is seafood. Colombia is located along the
Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea. The two bodies of land are divided by Panama.
These bodies of water have different kinds of sea life. This has made Colombia a
popular country for people to consider when it comes to handling seafood
Some mining activities can also be found around Colombia. Some of the most
popular minerals that are found around Colombia include gold, copper, nickel and
coal. Petroleum resources can also be found in Colombia.
In fact, Colombia has been invested in hydropower in recent years. This is being
used as a means of easing the needs to get more minerals harvested and exported
to other places.
One good point about these exports is that they are being easily handled in many
places. This is thanks to the reduced number of attacks in Colombia by rebel
forces in the country. There are some concerns about insurgents continuing to
attack people in these areas though. This has limited some of the points of
growth in the Colombian economy but has not been as severe as they used to be.