A: Brazil lies on the geographical coordinates of 10° 0' 0" S, 55° 0' 0" W.
Latitude and Longitude of Brazil in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | -10.0 | -55.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 10° 0' 0" S | 55° 0' 0" W |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:8893922.870344177 Easting:719233.1388293384 Zone:21L |
More detail about Brazil
Brazil continues to flourish with passing years
When ?Brazil? comes to our mind, the obvious choices that ring a bell are
?Football? and ?Samba?. According to FIFA World Rankings, Brazilian football
team is ranked amongst the top notches. So much does Brazil love football that
some variations of the same also originated in this little country. Beach
football, Futsal and Foot volley are to name a few of those variations. The
other popular Brazilian identity is ?Samba? which originated in Bahia. Samba is
a form of Brazilian dance which is colorful, vibrant and full of life. This form
of dance is one among the few which can make the audience shake a leg too.
Being the largest economy of Latin America, Brazil ranks as the world?s eighth
largest economy at market exchange rates. The current trends show that Brazilian
exports are seeing an up growth with each passing day. Major exports are varied
from aircrafts to soybeans; canned beef and Brazilian coffee.
Technology has also been one of the prime factors for the development of Brazil.
Uranium is enriched as a fuel to cater to Brazil?s growing energy demands in its
very own nuclear fuel factory.
Transport in Brazil is varied. After United States of America, Brazil has the
highest number of airports and landing facilities. Roads are also enriched and
they make the drives so soothing for the drivers. However, the railway
facilities have declined in Brazil since the priority was shifted to highway
Brazil is growing socially, economically and politically. But the economy is
quite in disparity. While Sao Paolo has high skyscrapers and is a huge business
center, the capital city Brasilia is a very good example of overpopulation and
unemployment. In this growing development phase, the environment is quite
threatened in Brazil due to growing number of oil and gas extraction, mining,
dams and infrastructure development. Despite recent improvements another static
concern is Brazil?s crime rates, which pose as a threat not only to the natives
but also the tourists.