A: Bhutan lies on the geographical coordinates of 27° 30' 0" N, 90° 30' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Bhutan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 27.5 | 90.5 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 27° 30' 0" N | 90° 30' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:3044305.8368561547 Easting:253023.19808522565 Zone:46R |
More detail about Bhutan
Bhutan - Culture beyond words of praise
Bhutan is a beautiful country with beautiful people and with one of the most
well-preserved traditions. The people of Bhutan mostly depend on agriculture and
hydropower electricity. Bhutan is a landlocked nation which borders with India
and Nepal. The government has been pretty strict with not accepting modernism
and accepting western influences.
Primarily, their values are Buddhist and they are very traditional in their
lifestyles. After 1950 the government of Bhutan laid 5-year plans to construct
schools and spread western education. They have been greatly successful in their
efforts so far. A large number of Bhutanese citizens today attend primary,
secondary and tertiary schools.
Bhutan?s maximum revenue comes from agriculture and tourism. The Bhutan
government is very strict about not allowing backpackers to their country and
has introduced strong visa charges to keep their nation drug-free.
The economic structure of Bhutan is not competitive compared with other nations.
Bhutan has been working in close relations with India to receive help for
constructing hydroelectric plants to boost the economy.
The people depend mainly on agriculture and forestry. The flora and fauna has
been well-preserved and stringent steps have been taken constantly to avoid
deforestation and degradation of the ecosystem.
There are trade relations with India. The topography of Bhutan doesn?t allow
clear road links which are also a hazard to economic progress of the nation.
There are cottage industries and small scale ventures and other development
projects like constructing highways. For road works, mainly they depend upon
labor migrated from India.
Bhutan has relatively attained success in bringing down poverty levels. Apart
from a nation thriving for success without allowing foreign investments, the
Bhutanese culture is filled with tradition, music and literature.
Recently, there has been another five-year plan for developing the rural and
regional and private sectors. Bhutan is a beautiful Himalayan Kingdom to live in
or explore.