A: Afghanistan lies on the geographical coordinates of 33° 0' 0" N, 65° 0' 0" E.
Latitude and Longitude of Afghanistan in other units:
Unit | Latitude | Longitude |
Latitude and Longitude to decimals | 33.0 | 65.0 |
Latitude and Longitude to degrees minutes seconds | 33° 0' 0" N | 65° 0' 0" E |
Latitude/Longitude to UTM Reference |
UTM Northing:3653063.504198876 Easting:686847.2227895914 Zone:41S |
More detail about Afghanistan
Afghanistan - Suffering midst warm hospitality
Afghanistan finds mention even in the ancient Indian epic - "Mahabharata" The
people of this nation are known to be warm, friendly and hospitable. They treat
their guests with utmost respect and love. The culture is rich with music,
poetry, arts and much more. Off late, the women of Afghanistan have been
suppressed by the Taliban regime. Even though they don't rule the nation they
have been spreading tyranny time and again and posing a great challenge to
global peace.
There were problems even during the days of the cold war and even recently after
the 9/11 Afghanistan hasn't been able to see the bright rays of sunshine yet.
There is, not much education facilities for children and the health care system
is very poor. People cannot move around freely and religious fundamentalism is
oppressing the expression of the common man.
A beautiful country with beautiful mountains and amazing landscape where the
natural resources of gold, precious and semi-precious stones lay buried under
the earth, these resources haven't been made complete use of, by the government.
The constant invasions have stalled the economy of the nation and domestic life
doesn't find security and peace.
The poverty is very high and people live mainly on agriculture and the nation is
dependent on foreign grants. Trade and business with other nations is minimal
which is not enough to suffice the national economy.
Building roads and infrastructure with the help of other nations has been taking
place in Afghanistan. People still are suffering due to lack of housing
facilities, clean drinking water and electricity. Schools are very less and
education has been suffering here.
Afghanistan citizens have taken interest in sports like soccer and cricket and
they have been gaining recognition as a national team.
Opium production is very high in this country and the main income is derived
through this crop.